The One-to-One (or Sexual) Instinct
Jun 19, 2023
In 2021 The Art of Growth assembled panels of all 27 Subtypes.
Here are the Sexual or One-to-One Instinct Panels:
Instincts Introduction Episode
Integrating the instincts Episode
Sexual Instinct Key Features:
Sexual (One-to-One) Instinct:
EVOLUTIONARY ENERGY: Ability to push the envelope and go beyond current boundaries. This is the energy that perpetuates the species and adapts to new environments. It’s a “push” energy that is willing to take risks and seek new experiences. It needs to break habits and thrives on passion that compels forward movement. Breaks routines and established boundaries.
BROADCASTING/ATTRACTION: Energy of attraction that pulls others toward us using charisma and any tools that draws others in. This energy radiates out and finds others who are broadcasting their own energy. At it’s best, this energy is the permission to lean into desire and not edit the self.
EMERSION/FUSION: Ability or passion to fuse with others at depth. This is intimacy energy where we are immersed into oneness with others, activities, projects, work, etc. Our capacity to experience ecstasy and focus attention on what excites us is in this energy.
What are the Instincts:
From a psychological perspective, instincts refer to innate, automatic, and unconscious patterns of behavior that are biologically and environmentally formed in humans and other animals. These instincts are essential for survival and play a crucial role in guiding our responses to various situations. They are often deeply rooted in our evolutionary history and have developed over time to aid in the adaptation and preservation of our species. Psychological theories of instincts have been explored by renowned psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler.
The instincts add a layer of clarity to the difference between people of the same Enneagram type. When examining instincts through the lens of the Enneagram, a personality system structured into nine different types, we can see how instincts play a vital role in shaping the expression of each type's core motivations and creates nuance to the behavior of the type. The Enneagram adopted the three fundamental instinctual variants: Self-Preservation, Social, and Sexual (also known as One-to-One).
Enneagram Type: One of the nine points where you fixate as your primary personality structure. Other adaptations and integrations are filtered through the core type.
Instinct: Your dominant instinct is the strongest of the three instincts in your personality structure. Your instinctual stack is the order in which your instincts fall with your dominant at the top and your resisted or repressed instinct at the bottom.
Subtype: The combination of your dominant instinct with primary Enneagram type. ie Sexual 5 or SX5.