Core Need/Motivation
To be safe, secure, and supported.
Type 6s are questioning, vigilant, prepared, and supportive.
They carry an awareness that the world is not as safe as many think it is. As a result, they engage in “worst-case scenario” thinking to uncover hidden dangers.
While others might interpret this as pessimism, Type 6s aim to reach the positive, but their path involves perceiving potential threats and solving them with a plan. They do this by thinking ahead and anticipating possible future scenarios.
This is why options are important to them. They are like tools; having them available helps Type 6s feel prepared, even if they don't need those tools for every situation. However, this can also lead to analysis paralysis.
Because they appreciate support, they give it to those around them. It is what they look for but don’t expect to receive from others. They tend to value a group win even if they are competitive, believing that "we are better together." For them, justice means defending those who are neglected or abused by those in power. A top value for this type is loyalty, and they feel strongly that dismissing people is wrong.
The Gifts of the Type
The Six seeks support so they give support to others. The Six is capable of surfacing threats to their family or organization. They mitigate risks and are team players. Their value for loyalty leads them to going out of their way to support those around them.
Hear podcasts from other 6s HERE.
Copyright The Art of Growth, 2021